Old Family Photos


70's, 80's, and 90's

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Viewed 220 times
big blue and the fam 1992.jpg
Viewed 200 times
dad and mom.jpg
Viewed 189 times
dad and the kids 1985.jpg
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Viewed 218 times
dad, emily and steph 1978.jpg
Viewed 177 times
dad, g and g dale 1970s.jpg
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Viewed 215 times
dad, g and g vopal, steph, 1978.jpg
Viewed 176 times
dad, steph, em, george, halloween 1985.jpg
Viewed 164 times
electric chick.jpg
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Viewed 219 times
em and steph, nov 1980.jpg
Viewed 174 times
em and steph, xmas 1979.jpg
Viewed 158 times
emily and steph 1979.jpg
Viewed 162 times
emily and steph 1980.jpg
Viewed 175 times
emily and steph 1982.jpg
Viewed 170 times
emily and steph, nov 1980.jpg
Viewed 154 times
emily george steph, june 1982.jpg
Viewed 155 times
emily mary george, xmas 1984.jpg
Viewed 164 times
emily newborn 1978 may.jpg
Viewed 160 times
emily newborn, g vopal 1978.jpg
Viewed 175 times
emily preschool.jpg
Viewed 173 times
emily xmas late 80s.jpg
Viewed 149 times
emilys first christmas 1978.jpg
Viewed 155 times
family 1992 june.jpg
Viewed 166 times
g vopal mom and kids, aug 1984.jpg
Viewed 178 times
george and ray.jpg
Viewed 140 times
grandpa vopal 1998.jpg
Viewed 156 times
greg, mom, grandpa, george, 1997.jpg
Viewed 167 times
halloween 1987.jpg
Viewed 151 times
kathi keith, 6 kids 1985.jpg
Viewed 164 times
kids and mom, summer 1983.jpg
Viewed 160 times
kids summer 1984.jpg
Viewed 150 times
kids xmas  1984.jpg
Viewed 143 times
kids, july 1985.jpg
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Viewed 188 times
kids, june 1989.jpg
Viewed 155 times
mary 1986 xmas.jpg
Viewed 145 times
matt and tricia.jpg
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Viewed 177 times
steph and g vopal 1978.jpg
Viewed 170 times
steph, em, becca, george.jpg
Viewed 155 times
steph, gm vopal, emily 1978.jpg
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Viewed 173 times
stephanie 1978.jpg
Viewed 164 times
tricia and mary, xmas 1984.jpg
Viewed 160 times
tricia and mom, 12 hours old.jpg
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Viewed 202 times
tricia, dad, mary, xmas 1984.jpg
Viewed 158 times
xmas 1983 1.jpg
Viewed 198 times
xmas 1983 2.jpg
Viewed 188 times
xmas 1983 3.jpg
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Viewed 261 times
xmas 1983 4.jpg
Viewed 208 times
xmas 1983 5.jpg
Viewed 220 times

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